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Table 2 Primary outcome, measuring devices and measuring units for in-vivo study using modified (USBHS) criteria:

From: Clinical performance of nano-hydroxyapatite-modified glass ionomer cements in class V cavities: split mouth, randomized controlled trial

Primary outcome

Measuring devices

Measuring units


Visual inspection with mirror at 18 inches

Complete retention

Alpha (A)

Mobilization of the restoration

Bravo (B)

Loss of the restoration

Charlie (C)

Color match

Visual inspection with mirror at 18 inches

Perfectly matched color shade

Alpha (A)

Unperfected color match

Bravo (B)

Unacceptable color match

Charlie (C)

Marginal integrity

Visual inspection with explorer and mirror, if needed

Absence of discrepancy at probing

Alpha (A)

Presence of discrepancy at probing without dentin exposure

Bravo (B)

Probe penetrates in the discrepancy at probing with dentin exposure

Charlie (C)

Marginal discoloration

Visual inspection with mirror at 18 inches

Absence of marginal discoloration

Alpha (A)

Presence of marginal discoloration limited and not extended

Bravo (B)

Evident marginal discoloration penetrated toward the pulp chamber

Charlie (C)

Surface texture

Visual inspection with explorer and mirror, if needed

Surface is not rough

Alpha (A)

Surface is slightly rough

Bravo (B)

Surface is highly rough

Charlie (C)

Surface staining

Visual inspection with explorer and mirror, if needed

Surface is not staining

Alpha (A)

Surface is slightly staining

Bravo (B)

Surface is highly staining

Charlie (C)

Postoperative sensitivity

Ask the patient. "Questionnaire"

Absence of hypersensitivity

Alpha (A)

Mild hypersensitivity

Bravo (B)

Presence of strong and intolerable hypersensitivity

Charlie (C)

Secondary caries

Visual inspection with explorer and mirror, if needed

No evidence of caries

Alpha (A)

Evidence of caries along the margin of the restoration

Charlie (C)