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Table 3 Cumulative inhibition/activation of poly-dHbS-M by fractionated leaf extracts of A. occidentale, P. guajava, and T. catappa

From: Polymerization of deoxygenated sickle hemoglobin in the presence of fractionated leaf extracts of Anacardium occidentale, Psidium guajava, and Terminalia catappa

Extract fraction

AUC ×103 (%.second)/RCPI (%)


40 mg%

60 mg%

80 mg%

A. occidentale


Petroleum ether

15.12 ± 2.08a (100)

14.54 ± 2.57a,b (3.8)

13.09 ± 8.32c,d (13.4)

13.51 ± 6.53a,b,c (10.7)


22.21 ± 1.48a,b (100)

23.29 ± 10.33a (4.9)↑

21.97 ± 11.34a,b,c (1.1)

20.17 ± 9.61c,d (9.2)


22. 36 ± 2.02c (100)

30.54 ± 16.59a (36.6)↑

26.71 ± 7.09a,b (19.5)↑

19.44 ± 7.17d (13.1)


22.21 ± 1.48a,b (100)

9.02 ± 5.54d (59.4)

13.33 ± 4.39c (40.0)

23.18 ± 14.34a (4.4)↑

Residual aqueous

16.65 ± 2.00d (100)

31.65 ± 9.00c (90.1)↑

93.78 ± 6.35a (463.2)‡

52.12 ± 19.87b (213.0)‡

P. guajava

Petroleum ether

22.36 ± 2.02d (100)

34.53 ± 14.00a (54.4)↑

32.83 ± 12.82a,b(46.8)↑

31.62 ± 16.78a,b,c (41.4)↑


15.12 ± 2.08a (100)

9.69 ± 4.00b,c (35.9)

10.99 ± 3.10b (27.3)

8.98 ± 2.24b,c,d (40.6)


15.12 ± 2.08a (100)

13.56 ± 1.45b,c (10.3)

13.05 ± 9.63b,c,d (13.7)

13.77 ± 2.94b (8.9)


15.12 ± 2.08b (100)

9.86 ± 3.69c,d (34.8)

16.74 ± 10.00a (10.7)↑

10.99 ± 3.14c (27.3)

Residual aqueous

16.65 ± 2.00c (100)

16.49 ± 3.26c,d (1.0)

19.09 ± 3.95b (14.7)↑

23.87 ± 1.35a (43.4)↑

T. catappa

Petroleum ether

12.53 ± 2.11c,d (100)

16.36 ± 5.88a,b (30.6)↑

16.51 ± 5.07a (31.8)↑

13.32 ± 3.25c (6.3)↑


13.85 ± 5.93a,b (100)

13.40 ± 5.29a,b,c (3.3)

13.00 ± 6.80a,b,c,d (6.1)

14.03 ± 1.09a (1.3)↑


13.85 ± 5.92a,b (100)

14.37 ± 2.02a (3.8)↑

13.53 ± 2.00a,b,c (2.3)

12.81 ± 1.98,c,d (7.5)


13.85 ± 5.92a,b (100)

14.52 ± 1.32a (4.8)↑

12.18 ± 3.48c (12.1)

7.78 ± 2.12d (43.8)

Residual aqueous

16.65 ± 2.00b,c (100)

21.05 ± 1.08a (26.4)↑

17.68 ± 6.75b (6.2)↑

16.61 ± 5.00b,c,d (0.2)

  1. The mean (X) ± S.D of three (n = 3) determinations; mg% = mg/100 mL. Means in the row with the same letter are not significantly different at p > 0.05 according to LSD
  2. ↑: Cumulative activation of poly-dHbS-M
  3. ‡: RCPI%Test > RCPI%Control