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Table 1 Extraction yield, total phenolic and flavonoid contents of applied extraction methods of Carica papaya leaves

From: The influence of the extraction method on polyphenols, flavonoids composition and anti-hyperlipidemic properties of papaya leaves (Carica papaya Linn.)


Extraction method

50 g Carica papaya

Conventional maceration


Ultrasonic-Assisted extraction


Microwave-assisted extraction


Yield %




Total phenolic content

(mg GAE/g DW)

43.33 ± 3.50

43.46 ± 3.61

44.46 ± 4.11

Total flavonoid content

(mg QE/g DW)

13.28 ± 2.10

13.40 ± 1.90

14.40 ± 3.22

  1. GAE gallic acid equivalent, QE quercetin equivalent
  2. Results are mean values of three readings ± standard deviation