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Fig. 7 | Bulletin of the National Research Centre

Fig. 7

From: Effect of etoposide on grass pea DNA topoisomerase II: an in silico, in vivo, and in vitro assessments

Fig. 7

Plasmid linearize assay by purified plant topoII with increasing concentration of etoposide. C1, pBS plasmid; C2, plasmid and etoposide; Lanes 3 to 7, plasmid DNA incubated with purified plant topoII and etoposide (0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 μM); C3, EcoR1 digested plasmid. With the increasing concentrations of etoposide (≥ 20 μM) smearing of DNA are appeared due to the cleavage of DNA at multiple sites

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