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Plate 5 | Bulletin of the National Research Centre

Plate 5

From: Histopathological study of invasive and non-invasive Entamoeba spp. in experimental rats

Plate 5

Histological changes in the rectum of rats infected with E. histolytica. A Rectum section of infected rat with E. histolytica 14 days post-infection. Showed the degradation in the submucosa (SM) and in the crypts (C), thickening wall of muscularis externa (ME). H&E stain, ×98. B Rectum section of infected rat with E. histolytica 28 days post-infection. Showed atrophied, contracted lumen (L), mucosa with ulceration of the apical surface (U), goblet cell hyperplasia (G), edematous submucosa (SM). H&E stain ×379

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