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Table 1 Chemical composition and antioxidant properties of pawpaw leaf and seed meal composite mix

From: Effect of pawpaw leaf and seed meal composite mix dietary supplementation on haematological indices, carcass traits and histological studies of broiler chicken



Plant metabolites (mg/g)


6.17 ± 0.01


12.82 ± 0.00

 Cardiac glycoside

18.59 ± 0.00


4.72 ± 0.11


5.84 ± 0.01

Antioxidant parameters

 FRAP (mg/g)

128.53 ± 0.33

 DPPH (%)

48.09 ± 0.17

 Vitamin C (mg/g)

21.62 ± 0.01

  1. FRAP ferric reducing antioxidant property, DPPH 2, 2-diphenyl-1-piccrlhydrazyl hydrate