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Fig. 3 | Bulletin of the National Research Centre

Fig. 3

From: A therapeutic insight of carbohydrate and fixed oil from Plantago ovata L. seeds against ketoprofen-induced hepatorenal toxicity in rats

Fig. 3

a Liver section from control rat showed normal hepatic structure. b Control rats treated with plant seeds carbohydrate showed preserved hepatic lobular architecture, hepatocytes arranged in thin plates (black arrow), dilated congested sinusoids (yellow arrow), and congested central vein (red arrow). c Control rats treated with plant seeds oil showed preserved hepatic lobular architecture, hepatocytes arranged in thin plates (black arrow) with cytoplasmic vacuoles (green arrow), scattered multinucleated hepatocytes (blue arrow), dilated congested sinusoids (yellow arrow), and congested central vein (red arrow). d Liver section of ketoprofen induced rats showed hepatocytes with moderate diffuse hydropic degeneration and vacuolation (non-fatty type) (red arrows), congested sinusoids (yellow arrow), congested central vein (black arrow), and scattered multinucleated hepatocytes (blue arrow). e Liver section of ketoprofen rats treated with carbohydrate showed preserved hepatic lobular architecture and structure, hepatocytes arranged in thin plates (green arrow) and dilated congested sinusoids (yellow arrow), congested central vein (black arrow), and many multinucleated hepatocytes (blue arrow). f Liver section of ketoprofen rats treated with plant oil showed preserved hepatic lobular architecture, hepatocytes arranged in thin plates (black arrow), hepatocytes showed hydropic degeneration cytoplasmic vacuoles (non fatty type) (red arrow), scattered multinucleated hepatocytes (blue arrow), dilated congested sinusoids (yellow arrow), and congested central vein (green arrow). g Liver section of ketoprofen rats treated with silymarin showed preserved hepatic lobular architecture, hepatocytes arranged in thin plates (black arrow), mild hydropic changes (yellow arrows), scattered multinucleated hepatocytes (green arrow), and dilated congested sinusoids (red arrow) (H&E, × 200, × 400)

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