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Table 4 Mean values of sperm count and motility in treated male mice with BPA and/or FXO for 28 consecutive days

From: Flaxseed oil as a protective agent against bisphenol-A deleterious effects in male mice


Sperm count (106/ml)

Sperm motility (%)


385.00 ± 32.18ab

90.00 ± 5.00ab


382.00 ± 37.80ab

93.00 ± 2.64a

FXO (1 mL/kg bw)

385.00 ± 33.42ab

88.33 ± 2.88ab

BPA (50 mg/kg bw)

281.33 ± 32.01c

55.00 ± 5.00d

FXO before BPA

387.67 ± 7.63a

88.00 ± 2.64ab

FXO with BPA

340.00 ± 5.00b

79.00 ± 1.00c

FXO after BPA

365.00 ± 6.08ab

84.00 ± 1.00bc

  1. Data are expressed as means ± SD. Mean values in the same column parameter bearing the same superscript do not differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05)